I've been awarded a blog award. That is crazy amazing!!! Thank you Young Daze in 5th Grade. You are pretty dang cool :) This is to show new up-and-coming bloggers they are appreciated and to spread the word about their blogs. So here it goes...
The Rules
- You must post 11 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you)!
11 Random Things About Me
1. Love chocolate, especially dark chocolate
2. I have a three year old and a nine month old
3. Live in a small town
4. Love reading teaching blogs (I would probably get more on my blog if I didn't read so many)
5. My husband is pretty dang amazing
6. I am NOT a city person. Going to any kind of city makes me get crazy. I think it is the traffic :)
7. Shopping and me do not get along
8. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride
9. My favorite books are Ender's Game and A Christmas Carol
10. Christmas is my favorite holiday
11. I am completely 100% a morning person
Questions Young Daze in 5th Grade Asked Me
1. Where is your favorite place you've ever visited?
-Charlotte, North Carolina
2. Where is your favorite place to shop for teacher clothes?
-Online :)
3. Favorite holiday tradition?
-Opening Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve
4. Favorite book to read with your students?
-A Dolphin Adventure
5. Why do you blog?
-To get ideas from all you AMAZING people out there
6. Favorite song?
-Storybook Love from Princess Bride
7. Has it snowed yet where you live?
-No :(
8. Favorite quote? Inspirational, from song, or movie.
-When life gets too hard to stand, kneel
9. Can't live without teacher item?
-Sticky notes and Pilot pens
10. Who is your childhood superhero?
11. Favorite TV show?
-Arrow (for now)
Questions I'm Asking My Nominees:
1. Where is your favorite place you've ever visited?
2. Where is your favorite place to shop for teacher clothes?
3. Favorite holiday tradition?
4. Favorite book to read with your students?
5. Why do you blog?
6. Favorite song?
7. Has it snowed yet where you live?
8. Favorite quote? Inspirational, from song, or movie.
9. Can't live without teacher item?
10. Who is your childhood superhero?
11. Favorite TV show?
My Amazing Fabulous Blog Nominees
You are pretty dang cool, too! So glad I got the chance to know you better : )
ReplyDeleteYoung Daze in 5th Grade
Congrats on the award:) Princess Bride is an excellent movie choice!
My Teacher Friend