August 6, 2013

Classroom Library Online and Ready! Tried It Tuesday Style~

Hey World! I am so excited to share this post with you!! Do you remember when the amazing Holly posted about Classroom Organizer?? Well, I tried it! And I couldn't be happier.

Now, what is Classroom Organizer you might ask?? Well, in short it is a website/app in which you can check out your classroom books just like the library does. You input your students and your entire classroom library in order for it to work. Then you scan a book and select a student name in order to check a book out. So Simple!!!

I luckily had six young women from my church volunteer to help me out and they scanned for about two hours and organized my classroom library for me!  So completely thankful to them :)

My plan is to have my classroom librarians run my entire library for me. I will get emails if students have overdue books, but I'm thankful for that :) I will let you know how it goes once I have "tried it" out a little more! Happy Tuesday everyone and go link up with Holly!


  1. I used Classroom Organizer last year in my classroom. It was so easy for the kids to check out books AND return them! What's nice is I was even able to add textbooks and check out textbooks to them too! Enjoy!!

    Life With Middle Schoolers

  2. I'm excited to see someone else trying out this app. I'm having my cheerleaders organize my library for me next week! Are you putting your books in baskets by genre?

    Sixth Grade Tales
    Follow me on Facebook

  3. I really would like to try Book Source. Thanks for sharing!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. Yay!! I am so glad you are trying this! My little helpers LOVED using this last year and the students CAN check in and out books. We all have those students that would just love this job and it makes the teacher's life so much easier! It really bothered me when a book wasn't returned and no one would fess up that they took it. Grrr...maybe I need to work on that. haha! Thank you for linking up fabulous friend!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  5. This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing. I just signed up myself :)

    Fluent in Fourth
